Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November update

Hello everyone,

It's time for a quick update while we await the busy holiday season. 

Renate Min Oo and I taught two one-day Lace Papermaking workshops up at Christchurch here in Greensville on November 20-21, and they were a great success. The most fascinating part was in comparing just how different the two classes turned out to be, in the kind of experimentation, the volume of production, and the input from participants. Each group had its own strengths. I will be posting images on my Facebook Page as soon as they are out of my camera.

On the evening of December 3, you are invited to the yearly Design Hope art and music fundraiser for Hamilton Out of the Cold, that provides regular meals for our homeless population. One of my pieces will be part of a Live Auction that evening. Many excellent talented Hamilton musicians will be performing and offering a compilated CD for sale. This evening is always a good time! 

I'll be adding images and more news shortly.
